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Total Hair Loss Solutions offers all our potential clients a free Microscopic Hair Loss Analysis Test and by performing this test it helps us along with other aspects,  establish the cause of hair loss you may be experiencing. The test is performed at our hair loss Leeds clinic.

By performing the Microscopic Hair Loss Analysis Test we will be able to identify whether you are experiencing:

Hair loss


Dry hair


Scalp problems


Weak hair


Damaged hair


DHT symptoms


Slow hair growth


Total Hair Loss Solutions will provide you with a Hair Loss Analysis Test and will instantly ourline the results and discuss them with you there and then. There are many benefits from having the test done but the main one is that once the test has been performed you will know whether or not you are going to retain the hair you have.

So do not delay your concerns in relation to your hair any further and call 0113 269 3111 to book your free consultation