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End to baldness in Leeds forever!

University of Pennsylvania may have discovered the root cause of baldess, an enzyme called Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) which shuts down the hair follicles.

The university is already in talks with drug companies and it’s a matter of time before the cure is available.

Dr George Catsarelis head of Dermatology at Pennsylvania University believes that with in two years the drug for reduction of PGD2 will be available, as it is already being used to treat asthma.

The new drug will stop hair loss for many folks in West Yorkshire and the rest of the UK and it is claimed that it will also regrow hair hence a final end to being bald. The treatment will benefit both men and women.

This could be the most amazing development to date for every hair loss sufferer in Leeds and the whole of Yorkshire.

To discuss this further speak with one of our hair loss experts by calling 0113 269 3111 or