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Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC)

At last a Total Hair Loss Solution may be on its way…

Histogen, US based specialist in regenerative medicine, has been developinging Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC) and one year down the line have made significant progress in hair regrowth in the first human clinical trial.

This is an amazing break through and Total Hair Loss Solutions, Leeds, West Yorkshire are very excited about the future solutions to combat hair loss and baldness. Hair Stimulating Complex (HSC) is provided via injections over a period of time and so far, clinical tests have reported no side effects.

After 12 weeks patients have shown a 46.5% increase in total hair count, as well as hair regrowth and density.

Histogen anticipate pivotal trials in US and Asia will begin next year and hopefully hair loss suffers in our region, West Yorkshire in the future will not need to worry about thinning hair or baldnes.

If you would like help and advice on what solutions are available for you, then please call 0113 269 3111 and speak with one of our advisers.

Book your FREE consultation call us on 0113 269 3111 or